
Leather me up...

I love this faux leather vest, more than life itself. I'm just kidding, but I seriously am in love with this vest. I just realized that I've been saying this vest was from Forever 21 and it's actually from H&M. I now remember when I bought it. I think it was just a few weeks after my birthday. Now to think that my birthday is exactly 2 weeks away is crazy. Your girl is finally going to be 18! I'm super excited about it. I really can't believe. I still don't even feel 17. The only bad thing about being 18, more responsibilities. Oh yes! Can't wait for that(sarcastic voice). 

I love this outfit because it's very simple but you can easily transform this outfit from day to night. Add your favorite pair of heels, if you want change the shorts to a bodycon skirt, if you like. This outfit is edgy and perfect for all my teens. I've always had this rule that if you're going to show cleavage, then cover your booty, and if you're going to show your booty, cover them boobies. I feel that it's a balance. Don't get me wrong, some women can pull of showing both and still look classy. Just remember though girls, you don't need to bear it all to be sexy.

Love you all. 

The Sam Diaries

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